Chasing Experiences One Step at a Time

Love travel? Want to do more of it? I’m right there with you. Welcome to a new kind of travel blog. Together, we’ll prove that you don’t need a six-figure salary to truly experience life. Join me on this journey to the far reaches of the map and learn firsthand how to make your dreams a reality!

Adventure is calling… check out the blog!

Ready to get going? The blog is the real meat and bones of the operation, a personal account of every step of my journey. Want in? Awesome, we’re glad to have you. All you’ve got to do is click the link below…

Get to know Garrett

I know, I know. You have questions. What does this guy do for a living? How does he plan to make money with a BLOG? Does he even have a plan? Has he ever been clinically tested for insanity? Well, the answers to all of these questions (well, except for maybe that last one), and more are all awaiting you here.

From the blog

  • Best Michigan Road Trips: The Ultimate List

    Best Michigan Road Trips: The Ultimate List

    Nothing screams good ol’ fashioned Americana quite like hopping in the car, grabbing an old atlas, starting up your favorite playlist, and setting off on a road trip. That’s just a fact of life. And…

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  • Looking Back at 2022; Setting Life Goals for 2023

    Looking Back at 2022; Setting Life Goals for 2023

    Well, I guess that’s a wrap on 2022. Another year has come and gone, leaving many of us in vastly different places than when it began. Now, here we are, standing on the edge of…

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  • How to get from Michigan to Ohio

    How to get from Michigan to Ohio

    Ah, Ohio. That horrible place where nothing ever grows, and the tap water is flammable. At least, that’s what I was raised to believe. Yup, ever since the Toledo War (Or the Michigan-Ohio War. I’m…

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