About Me

My name is Garrett Backe, and there’s really not that much of a difference between you and me. I’m just your average American college guy looking to do something meaningful with his life, to make his mark on the world. I have a strong passion for travel and a drive to seek new experiences, even if I haven’t done all that much of either. Yet.

I don’t come from money, and opportunity hasn’t exactly floated my way. Growing up in a small Michigan town, I had a very happy childhood, but always found myself dreaming of the open road. At the moment, I wait tables and write for my local newspaper to get by. I keep hearing stories of people toiling away for decades on end in factory work and bleary 9-to-5 jobs, feeling unfulfilled, like they’re wasting their lives. The thought of doing anything like that terrifies me, so I’m fighting for something else, for my dream of traveling the world full-time, and I’m bringing as many people as I can along for the ride.

I’m also a massive nut for world history, which I guess should come as no surprise. It’s always seemed to me that travel and history go hand-in-hand. After all, how can you understand our world without considering it’s incredible, varied past? I’ve spent years studying the history of our planet, caught up in the tales of kingdoms, warlords, and explorers, absolutely loving the stuff. And having been to the legendary Boston, MA, I can tell you firsthand that knowledge of a place prior to a trip enhances the experience. So, expect a history lesson or two sprinkled into the blog every so often.

We’re starting from nothing and working our way up, proving that travel isn’t just for the privileged and the rich, it’s for everyone. I was raised on the belief that when you want something in life, you have to go out and earn it, and that’s what I plan to do. So, gang, here’s your chance. Join me on the adventure of a lifetime, will you? I promise it’ll be worth your while.

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Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.

Andre Gide

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