Backe on the Road: Our Journey Starts Here


Welcome to a New Adventure

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Lao Tzu

Quick question before we begin. How many of you have been told that travel, in the long-term, at least, is all but impossible unless you’re rich, retired, or the inheritor of a massive family fortune? Show of hands. Yup, yup, pretty much everyone. Me too. For all my life, I’ve been hearing that real travel is a luxury, reserved for the ultra-elite and ultra-loaded. And unfortunately, like most of the world, I don’t fall into either one of those categories. Which is too bad, because travel is my passion. My inspiration. The very reason I’ve started this blog, Backe on the Road. And, oddly enough, something I haven’t done very much of.

Let me back up. My name is Garrett Backe, and no, I’m not some playboy millionaire or social media superstar looking for something novel to fill my days (though I’d forgive the mistake). I’m just a regular guy. An enterprising young writer who’s suppressed an urge to get out and see the world for far too long. And I mean really SEE the world. I’m not talking about travel in the sense that splashy cruise lines and luxury resorts would define it, I’m talking about real, raw, boots-on-the-ground travel, all the way from here to the edge of the map. Wandering the streets of faraway villages, sleeping under the canopies of lush, green jungles, trekking for miles through endless deserts, standing atop mountain peaks poking out into space, and meeting wonderful people all over our planet. That’s the dream. That’s what I’m working for. But at the moment, it’s far from my reality.

YOU Can Travel Too

Nope, right now, I spend the greater part of my days sitting at my desk, wondering who Tyler Perry is and dreaming of stepping forward into a future of insane adventure. I’ve always planned on traveling, even just domestically, but the opportunity never presented itself. I’ve been to Florida (but never Disney), Boston, and Niagara Falls, and that’s about it. Hell, I’m a 3-hour drive from Chicago and I’ve never even been there. I know, it’s time for a change. However, the modern travel industry will have you believe that the type of change I’m looking for can only come with a price tag big enough to make even the latest owner of Twitter blush.

But that’s a lie.

Travel doesn’t exist purely for the elite to lounge around on tropical beaches drinking margaritas all day. The world is our playground too, and it’s more than possible to go out and claim it. And although I’ve never actually been out to any of these exotic destinations myself, I KNOW that the type of lucrative, wildly upscale travel that the mass media propagates isn’t all there is, especially when it comes to what they call “budget”. Absolutely ridiculous. No wonder so many people think that the dream of travel is unattainable!

It’s my mission to show that travel is for everyone and SHOULD be experienced by everyone. And, moreover, that this detached, escapist view of travel isn’t even the kind that we should strive for. After all, if we’re clinging to familiar comforts and resisting immersion in our destination, are we even traveling?

Anyone can travel, and, if they really want to, make some coin doing it. That’s where this blog, and you, come in.

A Call to Arms

Enough dreaming. Life is short, and the time for action is now. And if you’re still here, I can only assume that we think alike. We’re intelligent, motivated, undeniably sexy, hungry for adventure, and ready to take the leap. That’s great. We already make an awesome team. So, here’s the deal. This blog exists as a starting point. Here, I’ll be recording every step of my journey, wherever it takes me, and bringing you along for the ride. But this isn’t just some personal diary, no, this is for YOU!

As we go, we’ll learn together what works and what doesn’t, as well as covering some awesome travel destinations and experiences in my home state of Michigan (Go Lions, baby! Bucket list item: find out what it feels like to win a Super Bowl) and beyond. We’re going to figure this thing out together. Am I nervous? Yep. Jittery? A little. Hopeful? Hell yes. This isn’t your average travel blog; this is something new.

It’s not all my story, it’s OUR story.

Just the Beginning

From Saugatuck Dunes State Park, where Lake Michigan meets the land. Even in October, the beach is gorgeous. And totally uncrowded!!

So, ladies and gentlemen, this is it. Cards are on the table. This is our journey, from making exactly zero dollars blogging to a (hopefully) successful future. It’s time to make a name and show the world how to look good doing it. Adventure, intrigue, exploration, they’re all out there and calling our names. And, come on, who are we to resist the call of the wild? We’ll break the mold, see amazing sights, meet a whole bunch of lovely people, and through it all, prove firsthand that true travel is possible for anyone and everyone, billionaire-playboy-philanthropist or not. Sound good to you? Awesome. Then buckle up, because it’s going to be one hell of a bumpy ride. Let’s rock n’ roll. Welcome to Backe on the Road.

This is it guys! As I update with more and more posts, you’ll be able to keep track of them here. Stick around, it’s gonna be a really interesting trip!

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