A Week of Backe on the Road… Looking Ahead


Well, gang, this marks my seventh official post, so that means it’s been about a week or so since I started this party. And I gotta say, things are going pretty smoothly. I’ve managed to keep up with both the blogging and social media requirements for a budding brand, and that’s awesome. Pat on the Backe (Eh?). But now that this thing is off the ground, it’s time to start looking toward the future… what’s next for Backe on the Road?

Well, thankfully, I’ve got some things cooking.

Looking to the boundless horizon…

What’s Next for Backe on the Road?

Plans for Travel

Coming Soon

So, as it turns out, in order to have a successful travel blog, you need to actually travel. Who knew? Luckily, I’ve been planning to hit the road anyways. We’re not jetting off to any foreign shores just yet, but we will be doing a little exploring in my home state of Michigan! I’m hoping to get out and visit a couple of top winter destinations, especially ones I’ve never gotten the chance to get out to before. I won’t spoil anything, but I will say that one place I’ve got in mind is the next best thing to Bavaria itself…

New Year, New Me

Once we ring in the New Year and the winter chill decides to take off for the year, we’ll be getting a little more serious. I’ll be breaking out of Michigan and exploring neighboring states. Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, they’re all right there. There’s nothing better than striking off and broadening your horizons, and that’s exactly what we’ll be doing. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure to take you off the beaten path and explore places you won’t see in your average guided tour. For example, did you know that one of the world’s largest and most significant effigy mounds (prehistoric earthen constructions depicting animals) is located in Southern Ohio? Wild, right? As a history enthusiast, I’ve got to get out there and see it. And the adventures aren’t stopping there.

Next Summer…

I don’t want to say too much or make any guarantees, because all planning is incredibly tentative at this point, but I’m trying to put together a MASSIVE trip for this upcoming Summer. I can’t promise anything, but if everything goes according to plan and the trip does end up happening, it’ll be the biggest breakthrough the blog will see for some time. I’m extremely excited about this, and I can’t wait to move forward with planning. But for now, business is business. I’ll continue to update the blog daily, and work on improving YOUR experience, both in the blog itself and in how I post.

Plans for the Blog

The State of Things

At the moment, I’m happy with how the blog looks. As I said, things are going pretty swimmingly, so I don’t see the need to rush any major changes or updates. Those will come as the website grows organically. That being said, things aren’t exactly perfect. I deal with little troubleshooting issues daily, and I’m still working out all the kinks that come with starting a website from scratch. For example, I’m having trouble getting featured photos to show up on post previews, which I feel really takes away from their impact. Luckily, I created this website through Bluehost, who offers 24/7 tech support, along with live chat assistance. So, if you’re looking to start your own badass blog, but would rather toss your laptop out a window than figure all this tech stuff out, I highly recommend you check out Bluehost here.

A Little Experimentation

Aside from all that, though, I’d like to start toying with the format of the blog, experimenting a little bit to see what works and what doesn’t. Add a sidebar here, maybe an author bio at the bottom of every post. They’re little things, but they go a long way in ensuring that the website has a professional look. I’m not too worried about incorporating these elements in the immediate future, but they’re things that you might start seeing pretty soon here, as the blog continues to grow.

Upcoming Content

As for the actual meats and bones of this operation, which are my blog posts, I’d like to start a trend of posting certain types of content on certain days. I’ve got two ideas in mind. First, I’d like to start exploring potential destinations, places that have been on my mind for years now, on “Wanderlust Wednesdays.” These posts would highlight a certain country, city, or place in general that I’ve always wanted to visit, and will visit, either in the near or (hopefully not too) far future. We’ll take a look at the culture and people of these places and get to understand them as much as possible without actually going there. This’ll be a fun way to spice things up and keep the dream in sight.

The second idea I’m toying with is a weekly post focused on world history. I know, I know, it may not be the most exciting thing for some of you, but I promise it’s worth getting to know and appreciate, especially for travelers. I’m not 100% sure on the name yet (Flashback Fridays? I dunno), but it’s something I’m really looking forward to doing. We’ll take a deep dive into some of the most influential figures and events of the past and connect the dots all the way up to the present day. If you don’t think you’ll be interested, I ask you to give it just one shot. As Robert Langdon once said, “Nobody hates history,” and I promise that once you see the insane tapestry of people and stories that the study of history weaves together, you’ll be hooked.

Besides, traveling with a knowledge of history lets you live out all your Indiana Jones/Nathan Drake fantasies, and who doesn’t want that?

A Week of Backe on the Road… Looking Ahead – Final Thoughts

Overall, I’m really happy with how things are going, and I’m REALLY excited to see where this thing goes. It’s been one hell of a week, from officially starting the adventure to getting into the groove of daily blog posts. But it’s only the beginning. There’s much work left to be done, and, personally, I can’t wait to take it on. A new challenge, a new adventure. Let’s rock n’ roll.

What do you think of my plans? Do you have any suggestions? Let me know down below!

Thanks for checking out the blog. If you like what you see, click here to choose what to read next. I’m hoping to go from making nothing with this “blogging” thing to traveling the world full-time, and I’m documenting my entire journey here. And I’m inviting YOU to join me! Yes, you, reading this article! Consider it, won’t you? I promise it’ll be worth your while!

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