How to Save Money for Travel: Beginner’s Tips

cash coins money pattern
cash coins money pattern
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Now, if you’ve taken a look at any other pages on the blog, you’ll know I talk a big game about how anybody can travel, how it’s not just for corporate fat cats with deep pockets. And all of it is true. I promise. I may not have gone out and proven it firsthand yet, but countless others have. And what they’ll tell you is that, although true, meaningful travel is possible for anyone hungry enough to go out and chase it, the unfortunate, inescapable truth is that travel isn’t exactly free. You do need to have some cash on hand. You need to know how to save money for travel.

I realize that saving money for anything, let alone travel, isn’t the easiest thing in the world. It requires patience, consistency, and self-discipline. But if this is something that you want badly enough, something that you’re willing to fight and sacrifice for, then I’m confident that you’ll be able to make it happen. Don’t get me wrong, I’m in the same boat as you, slowly saving up my pennies. But in my quest for freedom, I’ve picked up some valuable tips for speeding up the process and making sure that your back account is growing instead of shrinking.

How to Save Money for Travel

Set Realistic Goals

This is something that I will preach until the day I die. Taking a task and breaking it up into bite-size chunks that you tackle over time can completely change the game. Don’t think of it as “I need to save $2000”, think of it as “I need to save $500 every month for four months”. Most of the trouble when it comes to saving money is all in your head, so when you change the mental chatter, things start to become easier. It’s a great starting point for implementing other strategies, so mastering this kind of mentality is key early on.

Have Self-discipline

You may hear this a lot, but it’s true. Being able to resist temptation is paramount in making the most of your paycheck. For many people, this is the hardest part when learning how to save money for travel. Big corporations spend a LOT of time and money on developing slick advertising campaigns designed to entice us into forking over our cash. And we spend a good portion of our lives staring right at them. It’s very easy, and very common, for people (including me) to get caught here. But that’s alright. Because you don’t have to live like that. If you’re anything like me, and have a hard time keeping your wallet in your pocket with pure willpower, there are certain strategies you can use to cut down on spending.

For example, whenever I go out, I try to estimate how much money I’ll need for the essentials (gas, food, and the like) and only keep that much on my person. If I end up needing extra, I can break out the credit card. But I always, ALWAYS, use that as a last resort. And speaking of which, the same rule applies to cards. I only keep so much money in my checking account at any given time so that I don’t end up overspending on my card. This has saved me HUNDREDS of dollars on outings, and I can’t recommend it enough.

Another trick you can use is to figure out exactly what you need to buy before you go out on the town or fire up Amazon. That way, you’re shopping with a goal in mind, which is always more successful than milling about aimlessly, “just looking around”. Shopping with intention may seem simple, but it works wonders. When you’re goal-oriented, you’re more likely to ignore distractions that would otherwise tempt you into a questionable purchase.

Cash is King

When I was a young kid first learning the ropes of finances, one of the very first things my father taught me was that the best way to pay for anything is always cold, hard cash. ALWAYS. And as I’ve gotten older, gotten a credit card, and started spending money on my own, I’ve begun to see why. Not only is using cash more secure than using a card, there’s also a psychological aspect.

When you’re making, say, a $100 purchase, it’s incredibly easy to hand over a piece of plastic to someone, have the transaction approved, and walk away with a fresh dent in your account. Most people don’t even think about it. On the other hand, it’s much more difficult to physically count out $100 in bills and give them to a stranger. You can see the value printed on the cash, feel your wallet getting thinner. There’s this real, tangible sense of “Oh shit, I’m losing $100”.

It’s for this reason that I force myself to use cash. Sure, I keep some backup money on my card, but never more than I absolutely need. It’s more practical, keeps me from overspending both in-person and online, and, honestly, it feels really good to have a wallet full of cash money on hand. Plus, I’ve never overcharged my credit card. Not once.

How to Save Money for Travel? Sell your Stuff!

One of the most time-honored ways to make a quick buck and help save cash. It’s well worth taking the time to poke around your place and find things you don’t need anymore. I myself used to be a total packrat. I’d save everything, storing even the most trivial items in little plastic totes and cardboard boxes under my bed. Recently, I dug through my entire space and sorted everything out. I was ruthless, and by the end of the day, I’d filled five entire boxes with sellable items.

I understand that for some people, getting rid of the things you’ve saved over the years can be difficult. But dreams require sacrifice. You can’t let sentiment tie you down. You’d be surprised by how little you actually need to get by in life, especially if you plan on spending a good chunk of it on the road. Think about it this way: are you really going to need that collection of old receipts or that water bottle from that one middle school fundraiser when you’re hiking the glaciers of Patagonia?

No. No, you’re not.

Keep the Dream in Mind

mountains and ocean
Would you rather jet off to the pristine landscapes of Hawaii or buy ANOTHER million-dollar iPhone?
Photo by Troy Squillaci on

When all else fails, sometimes I need to play a quick game of would-you-rather. “Garrett, would you rather buy another history book that you won’t get around to reading for months, or take that money, put it away, and use it to book a flight to Tanzania a few years down the road so you can climb Kilimanjaro?” It’s a no-brainer. Being a goal-oriented person is extremely important in life and can influence you to make valuable decisions that pay off in the long run. When you have a mission, you can’t spend your entire life in the moment. And that vision you have of exotic lands and faraway places can be just the push you need to leave the moment behind and set your focus on making that vision a reality.

This is easily the most important tip I’ve learned thus far. However, success here depends on how hungry you are. How bad do you want it? How far are you willing to go, how much are you willing to change and sacrifice to make that dream happen? Answer these questions, and you’re on your way.

How to Save Money for Travel – Final Thoughts

When it comes to learning how to save money for travel, I guess what it all boils down to is you. I’m here to offer as much help as I can, because we’re all in this together, but I can’t make any decisions for you. Saving money is an unfortunate necessity of beginning your worldwide odyssey, so it’s something you need to be able to commit to. Even though we’re all different people, with different financial situations and timelines, the message is that it IS possible, and you can get there if you work hard enough. That’s what this blog is about, that’s what I’m trying to prove. A journey begins the moment you decide it will happen, so it’s time to decide. Will it happen?

Thanks a ton for coming out to the blog! If you’re interested, you can check out some of my other posts here. I’m an aspiring blogger and world traveler who’s out to prove that anyone can do it, even an average guy like me. I’m starting from nothing and working my way up, documenting every step here. And I’m inviting YOU to join me on the journey! So, what’s it gonna be? Fancy an adventure? Then let’s rock n’ roll!

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